Dyn Ni yn Mynd i Hela Arth - Welsh edition of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

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Dyn ni yn mynd i hela arth. Dyn ni yn mynd i ddal un cry. Ers chwarter canrif bellach mae darllenwyr wedi bod yn swishi swashio a splashi sploshiou ffordd yn hapus swnllyd drwyr stori anfarwol hon. Dyma lyfr fydd yn cydio yn nychymyg plant a rhieni ym mhobman am flynyddoedd lawer.

Were going on a bear hunt, were going to catch a big one. Children have been swishing and swashing, splashing and sploshing their way through this unforgettable story for a quarter of a century. A tale of a wonderful family outing that continues to grip the imagination of children and parents everywhere.

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