The renowned protagonist, Marcus, reunites with his esteemed colleagues, the Breakfast Club Investigators, for an exciting new quest. Upon learning of a treasure hunt taking place at Rutherford School, Marcus enlists the help of his companions to emerge victorious. However, their jovial pursuit is hindered by an unearthly creature intent on disrupting their endeavors.
By utilizing clues from a comic book, the Breakfast Club is able to unveil the enigma of the monster and successfully locate the treasure.
The Breakfast Club Adventures: The Treasure Hunt Monster is the fourth book in an exciting mystery series by England International footballer, child food-poverty campaigner and bestselling author Marcus Rashford MBE, inspired by Marcus's own experiences growing up! Written with Alex Falase-Koya and packed with tons of illustrations by Marta Kissi, it is it the perfect book for children aged 8-11.