Cyflwyniad i hanes marwolaeth ac atgyfodiad Iesu drwy gyfrwng stori syml a darluniau hyfryd yw Pasg Hapus. Mae'r llyfr bwrdd hwn yn addasiad Cymraeg o The Story of Easter gan Gruffydd Rhys Davies, ac yn cynnwys dolen i'w gario.
This board book, beautifully illustrated, tells the story of Jesus' death and resurrection in a simple way that is perfect for young children. Featuring a handle for easy carrying, this Welsh adaptation of The Story of Easter by Gruffydd Rhys Davies is sure to delight and educate.
This board book, beautifully illustrated, tells the story of Jesus' death and resurrection in a simple way that is perfect for young children. Featuring a handle for easy carrying, this Welsh adaptation of The Story of Easter by Gruffydd Rhys Davies is sure to delight and educate.